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Reliable Source To Buy SS-31 Peptide: Explore Peptide Sciences

Buy SS-31  If you are looking to buy SS-31 peptide for study use only, Peptide Sciences is a reputable company worth considering. Peptide Sciences is known for its commitment to providing high-quality peptides for research purposes. They prioritize stringent quality control measures, ensuring the purity, authenticity, and potency of their products. With a solid reputation within the scientific community, Peptide Sciences sources their peptides from reputable manufacturers and follows strict manufacturing standards. They also employ rigorous testing procedures to ensure the integrity of their peptides.[1]

Furthermore, Peptide Sciences offers excellent customer service, knowledgeable support, and secure packaging to ensure a smooth and reliable purchasing experience. When it comes to buying SS-31 peptide for study purposes, you can trust Peptide Sciences to deliver a reliable and high-quality product

What Is SS-31 Peptide?

SS-31 specifically targets the mitochondria, which are the energy-producing powerhouses of our cells. It is designed to penetrate cell membranes and accumulate in the mitochondria, where it aims to protect and improve their function.[2]

Research on SS-31 suggests that it has potential benefits in various areas, including cardiovascular health, neurodegenerative diseases, and age-related mitochondrial dysfunction. It has been investigated for its ability to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis (programmed cell death), while promoting mitochondrial stability and energy production.

Additionally, SS-31 has shown promise in preclinical studies for its potential to protect the heart from damage during ischemic events (reduced blood flow) and improve cardiac function. It may also have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

What Does SS-31 Do?

SS-31, also known as Bendavia or MTP-131, is a research peptide that specifically targets and interacts with mitochondria, the energy-producing structures within our cells. Here’s a breakdown of what SS-31 is believed to do based on current research:

Mitochondrial Protection

SS-31 aims to protect mitochondria from damage and dysfunction. Mitochondria play a crucial role in cellular energy production and various other cellular processes, and SS-31 is designed to improve their function and stability.[3]

Reducing Oxidative Stress

SS-31 is known for its potential to reduce oxidative stress within mitochondria. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability to neutralize them. By reducing oxidative stress, SS-31 may help mitigate cellular damage caused by ROS.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Research suggests that SS-31 exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system, but excessive or chronic inflammation can be harmful. SS-31 may help modulate inflammatory processes, potentially reducing inflammation and its negative effects.

Apoptosis Regulation

SS-31 has been studied for its ability to modulate apoptosis, which is programmed cell death. In certain situations, uncontrolled or excessive apoptosis can contribute to tissue damage or dysfunction. SS-31 may help regulate this process, promoting cellular survival when appropriate.

Cardiovascular Benefits

SS-31 has shown promise in preclinical studies for its potential cardiovascular benefits. It may protect the heart from damage during ischemic events (reduced blood flow) and improve cardiac function. These effects may be attributed to the peptide’s ability to enhance mitochondrial function and reduce oxidative stress in cardiac cells.

What Are The Benefits Of SS-31 Peptide?

SS-31 peptide, also known as Bendavia or MTP-131, has been studied for its potential benefits in various areas. While research is still ongoing, here are some of the potential benefits associated with SS-31 based on current scientific knowledge:

Mitochondrial Protection

SS-31 targets mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells, and aims to protect them from damage and dysfunction. By improving mitochondrial function and stability, SS-31 may contribute to overall cellular health and energy production.

Reducing Oxidative Stress

SS-31 has shown potential in reducing oxidative stress within mitochondria. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability to neutralize them. By reducing oxidative stress, SS-31 may help mitigate cellular damage caused by ROS.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Research suggests that SS-31 exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. It may help modulate inflammatory processes, potentially reducing inflammation and its associated negative effects. This could be beneficial in conditions characterized by excessive or chronic inflammation.

Cardioprotective Effects

SS-31 has been investigated for its potential to protect the heart from damage during ischemic events (reduced blood flow) and improve cardiac function. By targeting and protecting mitochondria within cardiac cells, SS-31 may help maintain or restore cardiovascular health.

Neuroprotective Potential

SS-31 shows promise as a neuroprotective agent. It may have the ability to protect neurons from damage, which could be relevant in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. By targeting mitochondria within brain cells, SS-31 aims to support their function and counteract detrimental processes.

It’s important to note that while these potential benefits are based on scientific research, further studies are needed to fully understand the effects, and long-term safety profile of SS-31.[4]

What Is The Mechanism Of SS-31?

The mechanism of SS-31, also known as Bendavia or MTP-131, is primarily related to its interaction with mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles within our cells. Here’s an overview of the key mechanisms associated with SS-31:

Mitochondrial Targeting

SS-31 is designed to selectively accumulate within the mitochondria of cells. It can easily penetrate cell membranes and reach the mitochondria due to its unique chemical properties. Once inside the mitochondria, SS-31 exerts its effects on mitochondrial function.

Reduction of Oxidative Stress

SS-31 aims to reduce oxidative stress within mitochondria. Mitochondria are susceptible to oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). SS-31 has been shown to scavenge and neutralize ROS, helping to maintain the delicate balance of cellular redox reactions and minimize oxidative stress.

Stabilization of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential

SS-31 interacts with the inner membrane of mitochondria and helps stabilize the mitochondrial membrane potential. This potential is essential for the efficient generation of cellular energy (ATP) by the mitochondria. By maintaining the membrane potential, SS-31 supports optimal mitochondrial function and energy production.

Modulation of Apoptosis

SS-31 has been found to regulate apoptosis, which is programmed cell death. Excessive or uncontrolled apoptosis can lead to tissue damage and dysfunction. SS-31’s interaction with mitochondria may help modulate apoptotic processes, promoting cell survival when appropriate and preventing unnecessary cell death.

Research suggests that SS-31 exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. It can help modulate inflammatory signaling pathways and reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. By mitigating excessive inflammation, SS-31 may contribute to tissue protection and improved cellular function.[5]

Buy SS-31 50mgThe exact details of SS-31’s mechanisms are still being studied, and further research is needed to fully elucidate its actions. However, the peptide’s unique ability to target and protect mitochondria makes it a promising candidate for various applications.

Please note that the information provided here is based on current scientific knowledge, and any specific application of SS-31. It is not for human consumption.

When considering the purchase of SS-31 peptide, it is crucial to ensure that you buy from a reliable and reputable peptide company. Reliable companies prioritize quality, purity, and customer satisfaction.

Here’s a paragraph highlighting the benefits of buying from a trusted peptide company:

Looking To Buy SS-31 Peptide?

Look no further than a reputable and reliable peptide company Peptide Sciences. A trusted peptide supplier, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are obtaining a high-quality product. Peptide Sciences prioritize stringent quality control measures, ensuring the purity, potency, and authenticity of their peptides. They are a reputable manufacturer, that adhere to strict manufacturing standards, and employ rigorous testing[6] procedures.


By purchasing from a reliable peptide company, you can trust that you are getting a genuine SS-31 peptide that meets the highest industry standards. Additionally, reputable companies often provide excellent customer service, knowledgeable support, and secure packaging to ensure the safe delivery of your order. Prioritize quality and reliability by choosing a trusted peptide company for your SS-31 peptide needs.

Remember to conduct thorough research on peptide companies, read customer reviews, and consider their reputation within the scientific and research community before making a purchase.

What Are SS-31 Side Effects?

Based on the available scientific literature, SS-31 peptide (Bendavia or MTP-131) has a favorable safety profile. It has been studied in preclinical and clinical trials, and no significant adverse effects have been reported thus far. However, it’s important to note that the research on SS-31 is still ongoing, and individual responses may vary.

Since SS-31 is designed to target mitochondria and exert its effects within cells, it is believed to have a specific mode of action and limited off-target effects. Thus, the mechanism of action may contribute to its potential safety.

That being said, as with any peptide or medication, there is always a possibility of individual sensitivity or rare side effects. It’s important to note SS-31 is a research peptide and available for study use only.[5]

Overall, while the current research suggests that SS-31 is well-tolerated, ongoing research and monitoring are necessary to further evaluate its safety profile and potential side effects.


Why Study SS-31?

Studying SS-31, also known as Bendavia or MTP-131, can be beneficial for several reasons:

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

SS-31 research focuses on the mitochondria, which play a critical role in cellular energy production, metabolism, and overall cellular health. Investigating SS-31 can deepen our understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction, which is implicated in various diseases and conditions such as cardiovascular disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and age-related decline.[6]

SS-31 Peptide Research Potential

SS-31 shows promise as a potential research agent. By targeting and protecting mitochondria, SS-31 may help mitigate oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and enhance cellular function. Studying SS-31’s mechanisms and effects can lead to the development of novel treatments for conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.


Research on SS-31 highlights its potential cardioprotective effects. Investigating this peptide can provide insights into its ability to protect the heart from damage during ischemic events and improve cardiac function. Understanding the underlying mechanisms can pave the way for innovative strategies in cardiovascular medicine.


SS-31’s neuroprotective potential is another area of interest. By targeting mitochondria within brain cells, SS-31 may help protect neurons from damage, potentially benefiting neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Exploring SS-31’s effects on neuronal health can contribute to advancements in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration.

Drug Development

Studying SS-31 can aid in the development of new research strategies and formulations. It can provide valuable insights into peptide-based treatments, mitochondrial-targeted delivery systems, and combination treatments. SS-31 research has the potential to influence the development of innovative cures for various diseases and conditions.[7]

By studying SS-31, researchers can expand our knowledge of mitochondrial function and dysfunction, explore potential applications, and contribute to the development of novel treatments. Understanding the mechanisms and benefits of SS-31 can lead to advancements in regenerative medicine, cardiology, neurology, and other fields, ultimately improving patient care and quality of life.

Unlock the remarkable potential of cellular rejuvenation and optimize your research with SS-31 – the game-changing peptide that could revolutionize your studies.




[1] SS-31, a Mitochondria-Targeting Peptide, Ameliorates Kidney Disease

[2] Elamipretide (SS-31) improves mitochondrial dysfunction, synaptic and memory impairment induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice

[3] Mitochondrial protein interaction landscape of SS-31

[4] SS-31 Peptide Reverses the Mitochondrial Fragmentation Present in Fibroblasts From Patients With DCMA, a Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy


[6] The mitochondrial antioxidant SS-31 increases SIRT1 levels and ameliorates inflammation, oxidative stress and leukocyte-endothelium interactions in type 2 diabetes

[7] The mitochondria-targeted peptide SS-31 binds lipid bilayers and modulates surface electrostatics as a key component of its mechanism of action


We bring this information to you for general knowledge purposes about research products and their uses. The medical problems discussed are for information use only. The products available on this website are for education and research use only. They are not for human consumption or use on animals. We supply Peptide Sciences products for laboratory research and not for any diagnostic, therapeutic or in vivo use on animals or the human body. Every product we sell is manufactured according to the research industry guidelines. The post may contain affiliate links but at no extra cost to you the buyer. Plus, external links for further resources. See our disclaimer here. For more read about us and our privacy policy.